In order to become a RESNET Rating Field Inspector (RFI), you have to complete 3 mentored field inspections observed by a certified RESNET HERS Rater or Candidate Field Assessor AND pass the RESCAZ Simulation Exam through an accredited Training Provider, which we are.
If you are already familiar with the process to become a RESNET RFI and just need the RESCAZ Simulation Exam, please continue on to our RESNET Combustion Safety Exam product. It’s exactly what you need to satisfy this requirement.
If you are new to RESNET certification, keep reading about what a Rating Field Inspector does below.
What is a RESNET RFI?
An RFI is like an apprentice to a RESNET HERS Rater. This person assists with collecting measurements and performing necessary diagnostic tests throughout a home in order to produce a home energy rating.
What is a home energy rating?
A home energy rating provides a comparative analysis on how energy efficient a home is compared to other similar homes. Sophisticated energy modeling software analyzes a home’s construction plans and the diagnostic test results from the on-site inspection to output an energy efficiency score for the home.
Ultimately, the home energy rating gives you a projected idea of the energy costs of your home.
Who can become a RESNET RFI?
Anyone who satisfies the 5-step process, though it helps when a candidate has a background in:
- Building science
- Blower door testing
- Combustion safety testing
You may be new to the energy efficiency industry and looking for a foot in the door. Or, you might be interested in working toward the full RESNET HERS Rater Certification.
5 Steps to Becoming a RESNET RFI
The time it takes to become an RFI largely depends on how long it takes you to complete the mentored inspections.
1 – Download the necessary paperwork. This includes the RFI Field Evaluation Form, the instructions for RESNET Graded Field Evaluation, and the (optional) RFI Photo Documentation Form.
2 – Complete three mentored field inspections observed by a HERS Rater or Candidate Field Assessor. At least 1 inspection must be a rough-in inspection and 1 must be a final inspection. 10 supporting photos must be taken at each home.
3 – Complete a final graded field evaluation after completing the 3 mentored field inspections.
4 – Pass the RESCAZ Simulation Exam through an accredited RESNET Training Provider (like Everblue!)
5 – Pay $50 and complete the RFIIN application
Additional details about each step can be found on the RESNET website.
Remember Everblue for your RESCAZ Simulation Exam
If you’re researching RFI Certification, it’s likely because your employer mentioned it to you. That means that your company probably already has HERS Raters and Candidate Field Assessors on staff, which also means that you’ll be able to find a mentor within your organization.
So when you’re ready to take your RESCAZ Simulation Exam, remember to return to Everblue Training (that’s us) and we can offer the exam to you.
What You’ll Get from Our RESNET Combustion Safety Program
After you’ve paid the registration fee, we will give you access to the RESCAZ simulation platform.

RESCAZ is an online, interactive simulation experience designed to help you understand RESNET’s combustion appliance zone (CAZ) safety standards.
You will need to actually download the software, so be sure that you use your own computer or that you are allowed to download software on the computer that you end up using.
Your registration fee with Everblue gives you practice simulations, the actual RESCAZ Simulation Exam, as well as five exam attempts.
Practice Simulations
This platform contains practice simulations and videos to help you prepare for the RESCAZ Simulation Exam.
Prep times vary based on an individual candidate’s ability to understand and consistently apply the RESNET CAZ procedure per the standard. Initial evidence suggests 5-10 hours of CAZ practice, at a minimum, to be successful on the exam.
The RESCAZ Simulation Exam
The platform also houses the actual exam, which must be proctored.
The simulation exam consists of performing one complete combustion appliance assessment. The actual exam is comparable in length and complexity to the SINGLE CAZ scenarios available in the training section of the simulation platform.
You have 2 hours to complete the exam, though you will probably need less than 1 hour to complete it.
5 Exam Attempts
You must score at least 85% to receive a passing score on the exam.
If you’re unsuccessful, RESNET allows a total of 5 exam attempts under the initial registration fee.
Whether you are interested in becoming a RESNET Rating Field Inspector or certified HERS Rater, Everblue can help you out! We specialize in energy efficiency training and helping residential contractors achieve their professional career goals. Give us a call at (800) 460-2575 if you have any questions.