Welcome to Everblue, where we offer best-in-class LEED certification study materials and LEED exam prep!
Why do you need LEED certification study materials?
Simple. The LEED Green Associate exam highlights 100+ topics in green building and pulls from the U.S. Green Building Council’s pool of 1000+ questions. No two LEED exams are alike, and the USGBC does not publicize its test questions. They’re trying to gauge whether you have a broad understanding of how LEED certification works, and they’re not going to spoon-feed the information to you.
How could you possibly know it all? This is why LEED certification study materials will be your greatest asset to earning a LEED professional credential.
We’ve been a USGBC Education Partner from the start, and we’ve helped thousands of people pass their LEED exams for over 10 years. We’ve got this down to a science, literally. The USGBC will not spoon-feed the LEED testable knowledge to you, but we will!
The benefit of taking the LEED Green Associate Exam Prep is that we cut out all the fluff that you would have otherwise spent time on and only focus on the important, testable knowledge.
Which LEED certification study materials do you need?
Here’s the thing – LEED certification study materials are great, but too much of a good thing can be overwhelming.
Realistically, will you be spending the next month reading a 600+ page book, listening to an 8-hour MP3 podcast, reading and answering 1000+ practice questions, reviewing 500+ flashcards, etc? No, you won’t. That’s insane and will literally make the process of studying for your LEED exam way more complicated and stressful.

Tip: Stick to 1-3 LEED certification study materials that have reasonable expectations of your time.
Buying every single study aid you find will do no good if you don’t use them. Commit to a few strategies that you can reasonably fit into your work/life schedule.
Here are the LEED certification study materials that we offer:
We provide an all-inclusive LEED exam prep package that comes with an instructor-led training course and the following study aids…
- Study Pacing Guide – an outline that helps organize your thoughts in terms of planning how you will study, how many days to study, how long to study each day, exactly what concept you should be studying, and when to give yourself a break
- 250 LEED GA Practice Questions – multiple-choice questions (broken down by LEED credit category) that reinforce knowledge presented in our accompanying course. You’ll receive feedback after every question, explaining why each answer choice was incorrect and why the right answer was in fact correct.
- 3 LEED GA Practice Tests – multiple-choice questions modeled after the LEED Green Associate exam format. Just like the real exam, you will not receive feedback after every question. This is the true test of knowing whether you are ready to schedule and take your LEED exam or if you need to go back and review the course/practice questions.
These LEED certification study materials are available in a digital format for every person who registers for our LEED Green Associate Exam Prep – whether you purchase the online (self-paced) package or the live package.
Are study aids enough to prepare for the LEED exam?
It may be tempting to try a shortcut, such as only studying from practice questions, but let’s think critically about this…
Practice questions are inherently designed to reinforce knowledge that you’ve already been introduced to.
If you rely solely on practice questions to learn the material, you’re doing yourself a disservice by not being introduced to the content in the proper way.
By design, practice questions offer a snippet, or fun fact, about a concept. You only get part of the picture from the practice question alone. You’ll be far more successful if you take the time to follow along with a presentation or webinar that guides you through the who/what/where/why/how of a concept. Then, when you’re faced with the corresponding practice question, you pull from your database of knowledge and have a better contextual understanding of what the question is actually asking.
Over the last decade, we’ve found that people are most successful when they pair training and study aids in their LEED exam preparation efforts. For this reason, we include the LEED certification study materials with our LEED Green Associate Exam Prep packages.
If you have any questions on how to prepare for the LEED exam, give us a call at (800) 460-2575.