"I found the course interesting and informative. I walked away with a greater understanding of commercial energy analysis and multi-family building envelope structures."
- Will Dobbs
This advanced BPI Multifamily Building Analyst training course is intended for individuals who want to learn energy auditing requirements for multifamily housing.
Students will learn fundamentals of building science and then learn to apply those concepts to the unique nature of multifamily residential housing.
"I found the course interesting and informative. I walked away with a greater understanding of commercial energy analysis and multi-family building envelope structures."
- Will Dobbs
"Everblue was excellent from start to finish. The instructor was superb. I recommend Everblue to anyone who's looking to educate themselves in the energy efficiency business and hopefully I'll be able to take more courses with them."
- Melvin Marrero
While not required, students have found greater success after first becoming a BPI Building Analyst.
This course is ideal for home energy professionals and anyone interested in a career in energy auditing for multi-family homes.
After you complete the training and pass the 2 online exams, included in the cost of the course, you will have met the requirements by BPI to be officially certified.
Yes, you are required to renew your certification with BPI every 3 years. BPI offers various pathways to achieve this, and we always recommend reviewing the Certification Renewal Policies Handbook on BPI’s website to be sure you are following the latest requirements.
Yes! This training is approved for 4 BPI CEUs. We include information in the course on how to request and submit these hours to BPI.