HERS Rated Homes Reach New Levels in 2016

According to the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET), there were 206,583 homes in the United States that were evaluated by a HERS Rater and issued a HERS Score in 2016.

Become a HERS Rater After Viewing These RESNET FAQs

HERS Rater Certification is a viable option for home builders, HVAC technicians, insulation contractors, and others working in the home performance industry. You may be wondering if it's right the career choice for you. Here's a breakdown of our 14 most commonly asked questions regarding RESNET and HERS Rater Certification.

RESNET HERS Rater Terms & Acronyms

If you’re interested in pursuing RESNET HERS Rater Certification, check out our handy glossary so that you understand all the necessary terms during your research.