BPI Certification is valid for three years. The Building Performance Institute (BPI) has a 15-page document outlining their policies for BPI Certification Renewal, but we’re going to make this very simple. By all means, please take the time to read the document so that you understand fully, but for most people, you have 2 recertification options: complete BPI continuing education or retake the BPI exam.
I know the second option sounds intense, but I’m going to explain to you why that option is your best bet – it all comes down to time and money.
Quick Summary of BPI Recertification Requirements
Remember when you passed the written exam and the field exam when you initially earned BPI Certification? Yes, you need to meet requirements for both components during the BPI recertification process.
(1) Written Exam: Must have 30 or more BPI CEUs to bypass the written exam.
Number of CEUs | Requirement |
30+ | No written exam required |
10-29 | Must successfully complete a 50-question online exam for each BPI certification |
0-9 | Must successfully complete a 100-question online exam |
(2) Field exam: Must show proof of 3,000 hours of relevant work experience in the last 3 years to bypass the field exam (except IDL credential holders only need 1,000 hours)
BPI Continuing Education Packages Take So Much Time to Finish
Imagine that it took 30 hours to get 30 BPI CEUs. Compare that to the 2 hours that you get for taking the BPI written exam. Retaking the exam would already save you 28 hours.
I say “would” because BPI does not count 1 classroom hour equal to 1 BPI CEU. We’ve submitted our courses to BPI for CEU approval, and we’ve noticed that they often award only half the number of CEUs relative to classroom hours.
Here are a few examples:
- BPI Multifamily Building Analyst Training = 12 hours of classroom time but 4 BPI CEUs
- Commercial Building Energy Auditor Training = 38 hours of classroom but 19 BPI CEUs
- NATE Certification Training = 8 hours of classroom but 4 BPI CEUs
- HEP Energy Auditor Training = 36 hours of classroom but 9 BPI CEUs
- RESNET HERS Rater Training = 14 hours of classroom but 5 BPI CEUs
So this means that you’d have to pay for and complete multiple courses to reach 30 BPI CEUs. And at the end of the day, you’re taking way more than 30 hours worth of training.
The BPI Continuing Education Pathway Costs More
Let’s use the same example courses from above:
- BPI Multifamily Building Analyst = $999
- Commercial Building Energy Auditor = $599
- NATE Certification Training = $99
- HEP Energy Auditor Training = $2,499
- RESNET HERS Rater Training = $1,899
With the exception of NATE, each of those courses on their own costs more than retaking the BPI written exam ($300 value).
For fun, let’s add up the course prices that would get us to 30 BPI CEUs.
- Commercial Building Energy Auditor ($599) knocks out a big chunk of those hours, at 19. Now we’re looking for 11 BPI CEUs.
- NATE Certification Training is most affordable at $99, so I’ll take those 4 CEUs. Now I’m looking for 7 CEUs.
- Let’s go with HEP Energy Auditor ($2,499) at 9 CEUs so I don’t have to take any more training.
So now you’ve spent $3,197 and 82 hours to get to 30 BPI CEUs – not including the time it took to figure this out!
For the BPI Written Exam Requirement, Just Retake the Exam!
If the BPI continuing education time and money calculations above didn’t persuade you, think about this:
You are seeking recertification because clearly you’ve found value in having a BPI Certification. You must be using this knowledge every day on the job. So when you think about retaking the exam, what are you afraid of? You know how to do this stuff! Be confident in your skills.
Yes, you may want a refresher to make sure that you are 100% on the same page with BPI as far as specific numbers, thresholds, and reference standards. But you really do understand the concepts, and you should have that trust in yourself.
For the BPI Field Exam Requirement, Do What’s Best for You.
Can you show 3,000 hours of relevant work experience? If you’ve been offering home energy audits as part of your core business services, then it’s likely that you do have this experience from the last three years to help you get out of taking the field exam.
But just like we said in the written exam section above, if you offer home energy audits regularly, what are you afraid of if you have to take the field exam again?
I think the difference between the written exam requirement and the field exam requirement is the money aspect.
- With the BPI written exam, both qualifying categories require you to spend money. It just so happens that retaking the written exam is cheaper.
- With the BPI field exam, you can show proof of relevant work experience without having to pay anything. Retaking the field exam, however, is a $600 value.
Plan Ahead for How You’re Going to Maintain Your BPI Certification
If you recently earned your BPI Certification, my recommendation to you would be to get your ducks in a row now and be sure to document all of your relevant work experience over the next three years. That way, the BPI field exam requirement will be a no-brainer for you later!
If you need to recertify quickly, let us help! Everblue is an approved BPI Test Center, meaning that we administer and proctor written and field exams for candidates across the country. Start now with our BPI Recertification options, which give you the choice of retaking the written and/or field exams.
Looking for a refresher course? Simply give us a call at 800-460-2575 and we can work together on the best solution for you. We want you to feel confident and be successful, and we will help you get there!