BA-TP is the abbreviation for the new BPI Building Analyst Professional Certification. The BPI certifications have been around for over 20 years, and Building Analyst is well known. We just wanted to put the word out there that the Building Performance Institute (BPI) is leaning pretty heavy on using the abbreviation, so if you see BA-P Certification, they are referring to the second half of the revised Building Analyst Certification.

How is Building Analyst different from BA-P Certification?
Great question, it’s not different, exactly. In late 2020, BPI decided to split the legacy Building Analyst standard into two levels: Building Analyst Technician (BA-T) and Building Analyst Professional (BA-P).
What does BA-P Certification cover?
Building Analyst Professional covers the principles of using computer software to model the energy upgrade potential of a home and developing a scope of work. In layman’s terms, the Building Analyst Professional reviews data collected from diagnostic tests (such as a blower door test or combustion test) and plugs those numbers into software to determine how a homeowner can improve the energy efficiency of their home, lower their energy bills, and create a healthier/safer space.
How can I become a Building Analyst Professional?
To earn the BA-P Certification, you:
- Must first pass the BPI Building Science Principles written exam
- Then pass the BPI BA-T field exam
- Then pass the BPI BA-P written exam
Who should become a Building Analyst Professional?
That answer depends on your job and career goals.
If you are a one-man-show, AKA a small business owner, you may want to earn the BA-P Certification. With this advanced designation, you not only run diagnostic tests and collect data, but you also interpret those results and turn them into meaningful energy efficiency recommendations to homeowner clients.
As we mentioned before, the Building Analyst Certification has been available for decades. Employers, utilities, and rebate programs are quite familiar with this phrase. Going forward, it’ll be interesting to see whether these stakeholders start to require BA-T Certification in place of the legacy Building Analyst or if they require BA-P Certification. Just know that you cannot become a Building Analyst Professional without first becoming a Building Analyst Technician.
It’s possible that the industry at large might have some difficulty with differentiating old Building Analyst vs. new Building Analyst and the associated abbreviations. After all, for years, I think many people probably would have used technician and professional interchangeably. We have to train our brains now to view those words as having unique and special meanings. A technician performs the hands-on work, while a professional analyzes the information.
To get started on your BPI Certification journey, give us a call at 800-460-2575.