At the Affordable Comfort Inc (ACI) conference, I saw a booth advertising “6 months of BPI energy audit experience in 6 days.” Really. That’s impressive! I don’t buy it, though. (I should have taken a picture).
Here at Everblue, we frequently get asked, “Can I really become an energy auditor in 6 days?” That sounds a little too good to be true, right?
Technically, the answer is that you can get all the training to become a RESNET HERS Rater or BPI certified energy auditor in 5 or 6 days, but that will not make you an expert. From a practical standpoint, if you are new to the industry, the certifications can be a great starting point, but you’ll have to get out into the field and gain real-world experience. The training and certification process is just one step in your journey, but in and of themselves, they are not sufficient.
Everblue’s Energy Auditor courses will challenge you, motivate you, and prepare you to become an energy auditor, but there’s more to the process than just a course. I don’t want to discourage anyone, as you have to start somewhere, and a training course is a great way to “get started.”
A training course offers you the unique opportunity to be in a real house and use energy auditing equipment to go through the steps of a home energy assessment under the supervision of an experienced professional. So while you won’t become a total expert in those 6 days, you’ll get a really good foundation under your belt.
Couple that experience with your actual certification, you’re off to the races!
Of course, if you already have years of BPI energy audit experience, you too can learn a lot and demonstrate your knowledge with a BPI Certification.
Give us a call at 800-460-2575 if you have questions about your energy audit career.